Many women (dare I say most?) are active in some form during pregnancy. In recent years, there has been a shift to exercise promotion vs fear surrounding exercise during pregnancy. However, there is still TONS of questions may women have about what they should or should not be doing during pregnancy.
What kind of exercise can I do?
Is it safe?
Can i keep running?
Will my abs be ruined forever?
Are there symptoms I should look out for?
Can I lift heavy?
Can I get my heart rate up?
The list could go on and on and there is no silly question. I’m going to go over 3 of the most common questions we hear and give some clarification on those questions. I hope it can encourage you to start or to continue to exercise during pregnancy.
Disclaimer-This post does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with your doctor before starting and exercise program during pregnancy.
#1 Is it safe for my heart rate to increase over 150 beats/min while pregnant?
YES! Years ago, women were told not to let their heart rate dramatically increase as this could cause a decreased heart rate and blood flow to the baby. In recent years much more robust research has been completed showing that high intensity exercises has no adverse effects on the fetus.
#2 Will coning during pregnancy will cause a diastasis rectus postpartum?
NO! There is no correlation between coning during pregnancy and the presence or size of diastasis rectus postpartum. To refresh, diastasis rectus is when an increased separation is present between your 2 abdominal muscles (blog linked HERE for more information). This HAS TO OCCUR during pregnancy in EVERY woman to accommodate the growing baby. It is largely due to deficits in strength as well as changes in muscle recruitment. While modifications may be needed for various exercises during pregnancy, often times ab focused movements, occasionally seeing coning present should not be cause for concern.
A diastasis rectus may very well be present postpartum in most women, but focused rehab and strength training can help to reduce the size of it or manage it very well.
#3 Is it unsafe to lift over 20 lbs while pregnant?
NO! This is again an outdated recommendation. And, really, one most women probably can’t even keep if they tried. Picking up a toddler, carrying groceries, laundry…. I could go on and on, but it’s near impossible to avoid lifting this much. And the great news is, you don’t have to. Current research shows that women who lift heavy during pregnancy have lower rates of perinatal mood disorders, gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes, and no increase in adverse fetal outcomes including miscarriage.
TLDR; Lift heavy, it has positive health benefits for you and no increased risk to your baby.
There are many more questions I could cover, but hopefully these 3 are reassuring to help you get or stay active during pregnancy. As always, if you are unsure or don’t know where to start, reach out at the link HERE to schedule a free phone call and let us help you get started today!